Linked Data Competency Index

Version: 2017-06-28 14:34:35
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Code Type Definition
A Topic Cluster
B Topic
C Competency Tweet-length assertion of knowledge, skill, or habit of mind.
D Benchmark Action demonstrating accomplishment in related competencies.

Note: Hover over a code to see its URI. Click on a code to visit its full definition on the Achievement Standards Network website.

A: Fundamentals of Resource Description Framework

  • B: Identity in RDF
    • C: Knows that anything can be named with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), such as agents, places, events, artifacts, and concepts.
    • C: Understands that a "real-world" thing may need to be named with a URI distinct from the URI for information about that thing.
    • C: Recognizes that URIs are "owned" by the owners of their respective Internet domains.
    • C: Knows that Uniform Resource Identifiers, or URIs (1994), include Uniform Resource Locators (URLs, which locate web pages) as well as location-independent identifiers for physical, conceptual, or web resources.
  • B: RDF data model
    • C: Knows the subject-predicate-object component structure of a triple.
    • C: Understands the difference between literals and non-literal resources.
    • C: Understands that URIs and literals denote things in the world ("resources") real, imagined, or conceptual.
    • C: Understands that resources are declared to be members (instances) of classes using the property rdf:type.
    • C: Understands the use of datatypes and language tags with literals.
    • C: Understands blank nodes and their uses.
    • C: Understands that QNames define shorthand prefixes for long URIs.
      • D: Uses prefixes for URIs in RDF specifications and data.
    • C: Articulates differences between the RDF abstract data model and the XML and relational models.
    • C: Understands the RDF abstract data model as a directed labeled graph.
    • C: Knows graphic conventions for depicting RDF-based models.
      • D: Can use graphing or modeling software to share those models with others.
    • C: Understands a named graph as one of the collection of graphs comprising an RDF dataset, with a graph name unique in the context of that dataset.
    • C: Understands how a namespace, informally used in the RDF context for a namespace URI or RDF vocabulary, fundamentally differs from the namespace of data attributes and functions (methods) defined for an object-oriented class.
  • B: Related data models
    • C: Grasps essential differences between schemas for syntactic validation (e.g., XML) and for inferencing (RDF Schema).
    • C: Differentiates hierarchical document models (eg, XML) and graph models (RDF).
    • C: Understands how an RDF class (named set of things) fundamentally differs from an object-oriented programming class, which defines a type of object bundling "state" (attributes with data values) and "behavior" (functions that operate on state).
  • B: RDF serialization
    • C: Understands RDF serializations as interchangeable encodings of a given set of triples (RDF graph).
      • D: Uses tools to convert RDF data between different serializations.
    • C: Distinguishes the RDF abstract data model and concrete serializations of RDF data.
      • D: Expresses data in serializations such as RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle, N3, Trig, JSON-LD, and RDFa.

A: Fundamentals of Linked Data

  • B: Web technology
    • C: Knows the origins of the World Wide Web (1989) as a non-linear interactive system, or hypermedia, built on the Internet.
    • C: Understands that Linked Data (2006) extended the notion of a web of documents (the Web) to a notion of a web of finer-grained data (the Linked Data cloud).
    • C: Knows HyperText Markup Language, or HTML (1991+), as a language for "marking up" the content and multimedia components of Web pages.
    • C: Knows HTML5 (2014) as a version of HTML extended with support for complex web and mobile applications.
    • C: Knows Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP (1991+), as the basic technology for resolving hyperlinks and transferring data on the World Wide Web.
    • C: Knows Representational State Transfer, or REST (2000) as a software architectural style whereby browsers can exchange data with web servers, typically on the basis of well-known HTTP actions.
  • B: Linked Data principles
    • C: Knows Tim Berners-Lee's principles of Linked Data: use URIs to name things, use HTTP URIs that can be resolved to useful information, and create links to URIs of other things.
    • C: Knows the "five stars" of Open Data: put data on the Web, preferably in a structured and preferably non-proprietary format, using URIs to name things, and link to other data.
  • B: Linked Data policies and best practices
    • C: Knows the primary organizations related to Linked Data standardization.
      • D: Participates in developing standards and best practice with relevant organizations such as W3C.
  • B: Non-RDF linked data

A: RDF vocabularies and application profiles

  • B: Finding RDF-based vocabularies
    • C: Knows portals and registries for finding RDF-based vocabularies.
      • D: Finds properties and classes in the Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) observatory and explores their versions and dependencies.
  • B: Designing RDF-based vocabularies
    • C: Uses RDF Schema to express semantic relationships within a vocabulary.
      • D: Correctly uses sub-class relationships in support of inference.
      • D: Correctly uses sub-property relationships in support of inference.
    • C: Reuses published properties and classes where available.
    • C: Coins namespace URIs, as needed, for any new properties and classes required.
      • D: Drafts a policy for coining URIs for properties and classes.
      • D: Chooses "hash"- or "slash"-based URI patterns based on requirements.
    • C: Knows Web Ontology Language, or OWL (2004), as a RDF vocabulary of properties and classes that extend support for expressive data modeling and automated inferencing (reasoning).
    • C: Knows that the word "ontology" is ambiguous, referring to any RDF vocabulary, but more typically a set of OWL classes and properties designed to support inferencing in a specific domain.
    • C: Knows Simple Knowledge Organization System, or SKOS (2009), an RDF vocabulary for expressing concepts that are labeled in natural languages, organized into informal hierarchies, and aggregated into concept schemes.
    • C: Knows SKOS eXtension for Labels, or SKOS-XL (2009), a small set of additional properties for describing and linking lexical labels as instances of the class Label.
    • C: Understands that in a formal sense, a SKOS concept is not an RDF class but an instance and, as such, is not formally associated with a set of instances ("class extension").
    • C: Understands that SKOS can express a flexibly associative structure of concepts without enabling the more rigid and automatic inferences typically specified in a class-based OWL ontology.
    • C: Understands that in contrast to OWL sub-class chains, hierarchies of SKOS concepts are designed not to form transitive chains automatically because this is not how humans think or organize information.
    • C: Knows the naming conventions for RDF properties and classes.
  • B: Maintaining RDF vocabularies
    • C: Understands policy options for persistence guarantees.
      • D: Can draft a persistence policy.
  • B: Versioning RDF vocabularies
    • C: Knows technical options for the form, content, and granularity of versions.
    • C: Understands the trade-offs between publishing RDF vocabularies in periodic, numbered releases versus more continual or incremental approaches.
      • D: Can express and justify a versioning policy.
  • B: Publishing RDF vocabularies
    • C: Knows the typical publication formats for RDF vocabularies and their relative advantages.
    • C: Understands the purpose of publishing RDF vocabularies in multiple formats using content negotiation.
    • C: Understands that to be "dereferencable", a URI should be usable to retrieve a representation of the resource it identifies.
      • D: Ensures that when dereferenced by a Web browser, a URI returns a representation of the resource in human-readable HTML.
      • D: Ensures that when dereferenced by an RDF application, a URI returns representation of the resource in the requested RDF serialization syntax.
  • B: Mapping RDF vocabularies
    • C: Understands that the properties of hierarchical subsumption within an RDF vocabulary -- rdfs:subPropertyOf and rdfs:subClassOf -- can also be used to express mappings between vocabularies.
    • C: Understands that owl:equivalentProperty and owl:equivalentClass may be used when equivalencies between properties or between classes are exact.
    • C: Recognizes that owl:sameAs, while popular as a mapping property, has strong formal semantics that can entail unintended inferences.
  • B: RDF application profiles
    • C: Identifies real-world entities in an application domain as candidates for RDF classes.
    • C: Identifies resource attributes and relationships between domain entities as candidates for RDF properties.
    • C: Investigates how others have modeled the same or similar application domains.
      • D: Communicates a domain model with words and diagrams.
      • D: Participates in the social process of developing application profiles.

A: Creating and transforming Linked Data

  • B: Managing identifiers (URI)
    • C: Understands that to be "persistent", a URI must have a stable, well-documented meaning and be plausibly intended to identify a given resource in perpetuity.
    • C: Understands trade-offs between "opaque" URIs and URIs using version numbers, server names, dates, application-specific file extensions, query strings or other obsoletable context.
    • C: Recognizes the desirability of a published namespace policy describing an institution's commitment to the persistence and semantic stability of important URIs.
  • B: Creating RDF data
    • C: Generates RDF data from non-RDF sources.
    • C: Knows methods for generating RDF data from tabular data in formats such as Comma-Separated Values (CSV).
    • C: Knows methods such as Direct Mapping of Relational Data to RDF (2012) for transforming data from the relational model (keys, values, rows, columns, tables) into RDF graphs.
  • B: Versioning RDF data
  • B: RDF data provenance
  • B: Cleaning and reconciling RDF data
    • C: Cleans a dataset by finding and correcting errors, removing duplicates and unwanted data.
  • B: Mapping and enriching RDF data
    • C: Uses available resources for named entity recognition, extraction, and reconciliation.

A: Interacting with RDF data

  • B: Finding RDF data
    • C: Knows relevant resources for discovering existing Linked Data datasets.
      • D: Retrieves and accesses RDF data from the "open Web".
      • D: Monitors and updates lists which report the status of SPARQL endpoints.
      • D: Uses available vocabularies for dataset description to support their discovery.
      • D: Registers datasets with relevant services for discovery.
  • B: Processing RDF data using programming languages.
    • C: Understands how components of the RDF data model (datasets, graphs, statements, and various types of node) are expressed in the RDF library of a given programming language by constructs such as object-oriented classes.
      • D: Uses an RDF programming library to serialize RDF data in available syntaxes.
      • D: Uses RDF-specific programming methods to iterate over components of RDF data.
      • D: Uses RDF-library-specific convenience representations for common RDF vocabularies such as RDF, Dublin Core, and SKOS.
      • D: Programmatically associates namespaces to prefixes for use in serializing RDF or when parsing SPARQL queries.
      • D: Uses RDF programming libraries to extract RDF data from CSV files, databases, or web pages.
      • D: Uses RDF programming libraries to persistently stores triples in memory, on disk, or to interact with triple stores.
      • D: Programatically infers triples using custom functions or methods.
    • C: Understands how the pattern matching of SPARQL queries can be expressed using functionally equivalent constructs in RDF programming libraries.
      • D: Uses RDF-specific programming methods to query RDF data and save the results for further processing.
      • D: Uses utilities and convenience functions the provide shortcuts for frequently used patterns, such as matching the multiple label properties used in real data.
      • D: Uses RDF libraries to process various types of SPARQL query result.
  • B: Querying RDF data
    • C: Understands that a SPARQL query matches an RDF graph against a pattern of triples with fixed and variable values.
    • C: Understands the basic syntax of a SPARQL query.
      • D: Uses angle brackets for delimiting URIs.
      • D: Uses question marks for indicating variables.
      • D: Uses PREFIX for base URIs.
    • C: Demonstrates a working knowledge of the forms and uses of SPARQL result sets (SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, and ASK).
      • D: Uses the SELECT clause to identify the variables to appear in a table of query results.
      • D: Uses the WHERE clause to provide the graph pattern to match against the graph data.
      • D: Uses variables in SELECT and WHERE clauses to yield a table of results.
      • D: Uses ASK for a True/False result test for a match to a query pattern.
      • D: Uses DESCRIBE to extract a single graph containing RDF data about resources.
      • D: Uses CONSTRUCT to extract and transform results into a single RDF graph specified by a graph template.
      • D: Uses FROM to formulate queries with URLs and local files.
    • C: Understands how to combine and filter graph patterns using operators such as UNION, OPTIONAL, FILTER, and MINUS.
      • D: Uses UNION to formulate queries with multiple possible graph patterns.
      • D: Uses OPTIONAL to formulate queries to return the values of optional variables when available.
      • D: Uses FILTER to formulates queries that eliminate solutions from a result set.
      • D: Uses NOT EXISTS to limit whether a given graph pattern exists in the data.
      • D: Uses MINUS to remove matches from a result based on the evaluation of two patterns.
      • D: Uses NOT IN to restrict a variable to not being in a given set of values.
    • C: Understands the major SPARQL result set modifiers, e.g., to limit or sort results, or to return distinct results only once.
      • D: Uses ORDER BY to define ordering conditions by variable, function call, or expression.
      • D: Uses DISTINCT to ensure solutions in the sequence are unique.
      • D: Uses OFFSET to control where the solutions processed start in the overall sequence of solutions.
      • D: Uses LIMIT to restrict the number of solutions processed for query results.
      • D: Uses projection to transform a solution sequence into one involving only a subset of the variables.
    • C: Understands the use of SPARQL functions and operators.
      • D: Uses the regular expression (regex()) function for string matching.
      • D: Uses aggregates to apply expressions over groups of solutions (GROUP BY, COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN) for partitioning results, evaluating projections, and filtering.
      • D: Uses the lang() function to return the language tag of an RDF literal.
      • D: Uses the langMatches() function to match a language tag against a language range.
      • D: Uses the xsd:decimal(expn) function to convert an expression to an integer.
      • D: Uses the GROUP BY clause to transforms a result set so that only one row will appear for each unique set of grouping variables.
      • D: Uses the HAVING clause to apply a filter to the result set after grouping.
    • C: Differentiates between a Default Graph and a Named Graph, and formulates queries using the GRAPH clause.
      • D: Formulates advanced queries using FROM NAMED and GRAPH on local data.
      • D: Formulates advanced queries using FROM NAMED on remote data.
      • D: Formulates advanced queries on data containing blank nodes.
      • D: Formulates advanced queries using subqueries.
    • C: Uses a temporary variable to extend a query.
    • C: Understands the role of Property Paths and how they are formed by combining predicates with regular expression-like operators.
    • C: Understands the concept of Federated Searches.
      • D: Formulates advanced queries on a remote SPARQL endpoint using the SERVICE directive.
      • D: Uses federated query to query over a local graph store and one or more other SPARQL endpoints.
      • D: Pulls data from a different SPARQL endpoints in one single query using the SERVICE directive.
    • C: Converts/manipulates SPARQL query outputs (RDF-XML, JSON) to the exact format required by third-party tools and APIs.
    • C: Reads and understands high-level descriptions of the classes and properties of a dataset in order to write queries.
    • C: Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.
      • D: Execute SPARQL queries using the Jena ARQ command-line utility.
      • D: Queries multiple local data files using ARQ.
      • D: Uses ARQ to evaluate queries on local data.
      • D: Uses Fuseki server to evaluate queries on a dataset.
      • D: Queries multiple data files using Fuseki.
      • D: Accesses DBPedia's SNORQL/SPARQL endpoint and issues simple queries.
  • B: Visualizing RDF data
    • C: Knows publicly available tools for visualizing data.
      • D: Creates a timeline representation from a large dataset.
      • D: Creates a map representation from a large dataset.
  • B: Reasoning over RDF data
    • C: Understands the principles and practice of inferencing.
      • D: Uses common entailment regimes and understands their uses.
    • C: Understands the role of formally declared domains and ranges for inferencing.
    • C: Understands how reasoning can be used for integrating diverse datasets.
    • C: Knows that Web Ontology Language (OWL) is available in multiple "flavors" that are variously optimized for expressivity, performant reasoning, or for applications involving databases or business rules.
    • C: Understands that OWL Full supports all available constructs and is most appropriately used when reasoning performance is not a concern.
  • B: Assessing RDF data quality
  • B: RDF data analytics
    • C: Uses available ontology browsing tools to explore the ontologies used in a particular dataset.
  • B: Manipulating RDF data
    • C: Knows the SPARQL 1.1 Update language for updating, creating, and removing RDF graphs in a Graph Store
      • D: Uses INSERT/DELETE to update triples.
      • D: Uses a CONSTRUCT query to preview changes before executing an INSERT/DELETE operation.
    • C: Knows the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP protocol for updating graphs on a web server (in "restful" style).
      • D: Uses GET to retrieve triples from a default graph or a named graph.
      • D: Uses PUT to insert set of triples into a new graph (or replace an existing graph).
      • D: Uses DELETE to remove a graph.
      • D: Uses POST to add triples to an existing graph.
      • D: Uses proper syntax to request specific media types, such as Turtle.
    • C: Understands the difference between SQL query language (which operates on database tables) and SPARQL (which operates on RDF graphs).

A: Creating Linked Data applications

  • B: Storing RDF data